niedziela, 21 sierpnia 2016

The oldest Polish hunter in 1965

I digitizes one of the photographs from my private hunting archive (more photos realted with theme of our history of hunting I added on my fb profile) On this picture you can see a title of interviev with the oldest Polish active hunter and breeder of working foxterriers, which still lived in 1965th. He was born soon after January Uprising in province Nowogródczyzna (unfortunatelly, currently in Belarus). Story of his life should be a good motive for many adventure films. In interviev he briefly described his long outdoor life, for example hunting on braun bears and Polish bisons near Orsza, shoot mooses in Finland (where he was outcasted by czarist regime), chassing of selenga antilope, hares and giant bustards (now extinct) with Polish greyhounds in steppes near Żytomierz (unfortunetly, currently in Ukraine), badgers digging and hunting on martens with wirehaired foxterriers in wilderness – all on the background of memoriable historical events: service in czarist infantry shortly after war with Turkey in 1877-1878, both world wars (he survived 3 years just as old grandfather in German concentration camp!) and in the end – era of communism, when he as more than 90 years old person had to sell his carabine and hunted with old lent shotgun in bad condition. This part of our history is still uknown. In free time I will look for next information about this unusual personage. As first step, I want to viev obituary notices posted in Łowiec Polski during second half on 60s and begining of 70s. Mayby I also will be able to contact with his grandsons, mayby they have some family souvenirs or memories about him.

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